Sunday, April 5, 2009

"it is an abomination"

Dear God,

More like Gay-owa if you ask me.

Although I support the increase in cat adoption that is directly related to the amount of gay marriages in this country, I still can't condone the homosexual act itself. Sure, live together, hold hands, get a cat named after your favorite Golden Girls character (i.e. Blanche), but keep your hands out of each other's women's jeans.

There should really be a screening process at the pound to make sure that other cats with physical disabilities don't get placed into homes like mine. There is a lot of love in here, but let me tell you, it is not God's love.

In my book, there are only 47 states left in the United States of God of America.

I honestly feel like my rights have become a little gayer.


1 comment:

  1. Stay strong buster. They're just riding the high of Sean Penn winning the Oscar for milk, and it being released on DVD. Things will calm down soon. Then we can go back to having "them" plan our weddings instead of having their own.
