Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body?"

Dear God,

You know what people don't talk enough about these days. Their political opinions. Here's one.

Something I hate: raw food. People who like raw food are the type of people ruining America. If God wanted you to eat raw things, he wouldn't have invented cooking.

Eating a little bit of grass is understandable. It helps my digestive system. But I'm pretty sure kibble is cooked.

I don't know what johnboy5355's "green juice" refers to, but I'm pretty sure he's not Christian. And it seems like he's really into raw food from his profile.

God, I know you have a plan for us, and I trust in your name, but feel free to sweep away the evil from this Earth already, for God's sake.


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